On lunch.
As usual, I'm still awesome.
Now in HD!
1. Whenever you ask someone the date (asking them for example, "Is today the 10th?) they respond with "All day!" and a dumb little chuckle.
2. When people leave your house or work on New Year's Eve, and they say "See you next year!" Seriously, people. It's really getting old.
3. These stupid hats. You don't look cool.
4. I know it's a religious thing, but if everyone (they say it on the news, too) would stop saying "Peace and everlasting glory be upon him" everytime Muhammad was mentioned, news reports would be a lot shorter.
5. Quit saying "Jesus is the reason for the season". Let's not get into all the pagan roots, the german origin of the Christmas tree, or even the rotation of the Earth's axis...it's a cheesy and hokey saying.
6. This new year, 2009, Americans once again have another chance to start using their goddamn turn signals.
7. No...you are NOT the first person to make the USPS "going postal" joke, and it's still stupid.
8. Depoliticalcorrectnessitization. Put Oscar back in his Garbage can and away from the recycling, let Cookie Monster raid Mrs. Fields, and stop patronizing kids with this hokey Dora the Explorer and the Creepy Dude with the tickle-sword.
9. 3 words: Hanna Montana, Flamethrower.
10. NEW CHRISTMAS SONGS. I don't know about you guys, but I don't "throw on the Yule log", roast chesnuts, toast marshmellons, or tell christmas "ghost stories". Plus, all the religious Xmas songs have 8 verses, all of which say the same thing the previous one did (only using one syllable to say long words like "heav'n" and "glor'yus"). You need songs people can relate to. Create some songs about "Dashing through the Winter Wonderland" in attempt to find a Toys-R-Us that has a Wii.
"ROSENROT" (Rose Red)
A girl saw a little rose
It bloomed there in bright heights
She asked her sweetheart
if he could fetch it for her
She wants it and that's fine
So it was and so it will always be
She wants it and that's the custom
Whatever she wants she gets
Deep wells must be dug
if you want clear water
Rose-red, oh Rose-red
Deep waters don't run still
The boy climbs the mountain in torment
He doesn't really care about the view
Only the little rose is on his mind
He brings it to his sweetheart
She wants it and that's fine
So it was and so it will always be
She wants it and that's the custom
Whatever she wants she gets
At his boots, a stone breaks
Doesn't want to be on the cliff anymore
And a scream lets everyone know
Both are falling to the ground
She wants it and that's fine
So it was and so it will always be
She wants it and that's the custom
Whatever she wants she gets
So...yeah. That all happened.
Now it's saying this second video isn't working, even though it works fine in the other post!
Just go to the "I Found the Other One!" post if you want to see the video.
"Sunday School Showdown"
Teachers, parents, children too.
The conferences will now ensue.
The children will cry, their parents will lie,
When you say their kid eats way too much pie.
They'll tell you it's fine, and say not to whine,
while all of this time, their kid is porcine.
You cannot ignore through the rest of the course,
the one kid in class who's as big as a horse.
You talk to the mom of the bully in black,
who takes from the others or else they get smacked.
You tell her the kid needs to straighten his act,
Or next time he leaves his spine will be cracked.
They call the police for the things that you say,
for threatening kids, they will take you away.
You pull out your magnum and blow them away,
the cops won't be cuffing you...not on this day.
You whip out the other, and now you go dual,
'cuz they fucked with you, and now you get cruel.
You shoot out the windows and break all the glass,
so never again can they use this class.
You blast all the coppers who come through the door,
"You ain't gonna fuck around with me anymore!"
You steal all the bibles, and that's just as well...
you can donate them all to the nearest hotel.
You go to the tithe box and break off the lock,
It goes in your bag with the rest of the stock.
You eat all the snacks that you saved for the class,
and you don't really care if you get a big ass.
You'll be miles away when the SWAT team comes in,
You'll be running so fast that you'll stay nice and thin.
You run to Bermuda, a boat to Pengini,
and dish out some cash for a new Lamborghini.
You drive to the post office and make a dictation,
"I hereby offer my firm resignation".
You stick on a stamp, and send it away,
They already knew this, but it felt good to say.
Never again must you lie to the faces,
of bullies and brats to be put in their places.
You don't have to say that they do a good job,
of raising their kid who is really a snob.
In time they will see the fact that is errant.
There are no bad children, just rotten parents.
Tread lightly, tread calmly, and disturbeth not the stalactites...
Looketh out! Die spikens spielen und fallen der headed splitten!
Mine eyes see naught but water which condenses not.
Barometrics freeze thy blood cold. Such is ice, unhindered.
The time for sleddage...is nigh.
The next page had a pasted picture of a guy dancing and singing, and said "From all the 4BC staff! You can use the stress ball for whenever you get nervous."
...and was signed by everyone on my floor.
This was the nicest thing they couldn't ever done. These people haven't even known me for a year, and they cheered me on, sent me congratulations, and even spent money to come see me perform.
In order to avoid certain follies of last year, and hopefully improve our stamina, we have elected the following:
NYING US FOR SUPPORT:"You've got a medal? I've got a medal, too!"
Oh. You were expecting me to write something about the presidential debate?
I'll write a haiku or two:
McCain condescends,
And he has dumb ideas.
McCain lies too much.
Obama kept correcting.
McCain, with lipstick.
John has a record.
Do you know McCain's record?
John's got a record!
Repubs are insane.
Keep believing those lies, folks.
...Better learn Swedish.
Instead of Palin,
Let's have a Polar Bear veep.
They know Bush Doctrine.
What, you want tax cuts?
You want healthcare and school funds?
Can't have it both ways.
Once upon a time,
McCain goes to the bathroom.
"Wait...that's my elbow."
"Oh, drill baby, drill!"
Exxon loves those tax breaks, yes.
Electric car who?
2. Even worse, she is an advocate AND a participant of AERIAL WOLF KILLINGS, in order to "cull" the wolf population. This is in conjunction with the hypocrisy that she is so adamant about being pro-life, yet kills animals for sport.
When you lie to the world, you get on my Shit List.
When you fuck with the animals, you go straight to the top of it.
Does it make anyone else hopelessly emotional?
15 years later, and you still cry like a baby.
I also have one more picture that I found, which I hesistated to show at first, so I compromised with myself. I made a LINK for it, instead of posting it. That way, any hatemail I receive is unjustified.
If you hold any disapproval for the things I normally post (tough noogies), then DO NOT CLICK THE BOTTOM LINK. It's not one of those stupid "Loud scream and a huge picture of the exorcist things" (I hate those). However it IS, I must admit, a little gross...and it requires a great deal more....ummm...non-uptightness.
Here it is. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Whatever. I found it hilarious.
You came to my blog, and you chose to click the link. Simple as that.
Among his many qualities, Dawkins is extremely quotable. He puts things so well, and at the same offering the nice little---
2 Hours Later...
While writing this, a loud, piercing sound suddenly cuts through the air.
I glanced to the callbox, where I instantly notice
it reading the dread phrase: "UH CODE BLUE".
Instinctively, I begin shouting the room number in all directions.
The on-call PA, stepping outside her office at the ringing...pops her eyes and screams "Oh, shit!", bolting toward the patient's room.
I call 911, stamp blood gas forms for the doctor, and frantically call Rapid Response. My repetitive screaming is monotonous now, as every nurse in my section is flying to that room.
10 minutes later, the doctor calls it.
Half the nurses on my floor explode into tears.
Having never been in this situation, I find myself a little speechless as well.
I normally wouldn't write about this, especially since the situation has nothing to do with my original post. Except it does.
This patient was in good condition, had no issues that the nurse said he voiced (she was bawling afterward, saying "He never complained of anything"), and ironically said his family came regularly to pray with him for a safe recovery.
I'll have to return to what I was originally posting about at a later time.