After many months of training, route changes, speed runs, new training schedules, near drop-outs (that would be me), and gallons of gatorade...the marathon is once again upon us.
This year, we have vowed to run faster, indeed...but more importantly, smarter.
This year, we have vowed to run faster, indeed...but more importantly, smarter.

In order to avoid certain follies of last year, and hopefully improve our stamina, we have elected the following:
1. I'll be bringing a Fanny pack. Insert laughs here. Hopefully it will be more of a Fanny belt, since all it will need to hold will be goo, my cellphone, and some Ibuprofen.
2. Oh yes, the Ibuprofen. Last year, Sarah and I remember seeing salvation: Two teenage girls manning a table with cups of Ibuprofen. Sarah promptly screamed and jumped at them. The girls of course thought they were about to be eaten alive. However, the point is that this station was located far after the pain had sunk into our butts, at the 20-mile mark.
This year, the "Fanny Belt" will contain painkillers for the appropriate...ohh....15 mile mark, give or take.
3. Hopefully, this year's Gatorade will not be the High Sodium crap. It gives you a wicked stomach jumble.
I will bring my cellphone this year, hopefully stuffing it in the "belt" or putting it in my fleece vest, which I may or may not wear. This way, I can call you guys when we will arrive at key places and mile-markers.

"You've got a medal? I've got a medal, too!"
HOORAY! I am glad you guys can run together again. Have a great time!
5. Sarah will be wearing something full-sleeved to avoid thwapping someone unconscious with her teacher arms. Yeucch.
Other than that: W00t!
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