Friday, May 21, 2010

Here We Go Again.


Krystle is gone.
I almost want to add a "lol" to that statement.

She went away on a trip with friends for a week when I wrote the previous post. She returned, we hung out once for a few hours, and then she hasn't spoen to me in 3 weeks since. We can speculate that either she lost interest or found someone else...but I will never know, so at this point I don't care.

I met someone else a week later (always the way it is funny). We met strictly as friends, because while on this dating website there is an option for strict friends. She actually contacted me first, so we started talking, texting, etc, just talking about life and whatnot. However, we started having that "well...maybe" kind of feeling about each other. We deciding to try dating exclusively, and so far, so good. I will NOT mention her name (to ward off the 3-week curse), but I will say that she is a little younger than me. By about 8 years. However, I don't see that as a problem since even at that age she is a shit ton more mature than my childish, cheating ex-wife :)

Everything else from the previous post is the same. I will update again when I find out about nursing school next month.

God save the queen, and all that what.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time Goes By...

Note to self: Try writing more than once every 6 months.

Well where do I divorce from Joy was official as of December 3rd, 2009. I'm GLAD. VERY glad. UBER glad. I've begun actually noticing the number of ways in which Joy and I were incompatible, and how she stunted me and my personality. She belittled me in public, made me feel inadequate, and manipulated me. Time to start anew.

The girl I wrote about last October...we are no longer together. It turns out she didn't quite feel the same way I did. Chock it all up to experience, I guess.

Since November, if I am counting correctly, I have dated another....ummm....let's see...4 women. Most didn't last longer than 3 weeks. One lasted 3 days when I discovered she had cheated on her previous boyfriend frequently over the course of a year. Obviously, my response was along the lines of "Yeah...I'm out."

However, I stopped seeing every potential relationship as a failure on my part, and realized that they are learning experiences. Everytime I date someone, I learn the ropes and see what it is I should be looking for (and also what to look out for).

I recently (about 2 weeks ago) began dating Krystle. The phrase "stop looking for love and it's sure to seek you out" is very true. Oddly enough, she feels more natural to me than any woman so far. I feel like she understands me, which is a feat in itself since a recently divorced man with tons of debt and A.D.D. is already a handful. However, I vowed to myself that I won't screw this one up.

In true divorce fashion, I moved back to my parents' house. Hopefully, only until October or so. It really depends. My friend and I are hoping to move into a townhouse in Ann Arbor, but they have a long wait list.

I am trying to pay off bills and save some money before the move, but it's proving difficult:

1. Since I am now "Single" on my W2, I am taking home roughly 100 bucks less per paycheck.

2. I have had to do some expensive car repair.

3. I am now using more gas since I am driving 20-30 miles more each day.


This is the good part :-)

I began going to the gym with my friend Dustin in February. We started going 5 to 6 days a week, doing cardio and intense weight-lifting for 2 hours. However, I soon burned out and got really sick with a 103 fever. My immune system crapped out.

NOW...I am still going 5 days a week or so, but instead of going consecutively, I am going 2 days, take a day off....3 days on....then a days off. The recuperation helps a lot. I have started seeing real progress. My arms, shoulders, chest, and stomach are looking better than I have ever looked. I look muscular for the first time in my life. I have also started running again, and have lost most of the remaining fat. Only a little left on my stomach, of course.