Frightening and saddening images of things horrible
people do for their own agenda.

So, I realize that I've been hacking away at Sarah Palin lately, pointing out her hypocrisies, screaming and ranting about all her lies...
But now I have new ammo.
Being the crazy-psychotic-vegan-altruistic-hippie-who cares too much about animals, I have since come into the knowledge of the fact that Palin:
1. Has fought in the past, and is still fighting, to remove polar bears from the endangered species list, because it would cause problems for her oil-drilling agenda.
2. Even worse, she is an advocate AND a participant of AERIAL WOLF KILLINGS, in order to "cull" the wolf population. This is in conjunction with the hypocrisy that she is so adamant about being pro-life, yet kills animals for sport.
When you lie to the world, you get on my Shit List.
When you fuck with the animals, you go straight to the top of it.
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