Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Normally I can ignore the beeping taking place behind me at my desk, but as one of the nurse's has accidentally jacked up the volume on the telemetry monitors, each beep is like a tent stake in my skull.

So I figured I would distract myself by relaying a story about this morning...

So after staying awake until 4:00am, then getting three and a half hours of sleep (Joy herself got one and a half), we left for class an hour early to get coffee and get to the Emich library to print Joy's class stuff. We arrive at the library (butt-ass cold), and we split up. I go for the coffee, she goes to the computers.

I go to the "Incredible Shrinking Cafe" and stand with 8 people in a line not much bigger than an elevator. There are TWO employees...one cashier, one making coffee.

I order "Two soy lattes, with one pump of vanilla syrup".


I wait for the three people in front of me to get their drinks, then he gets to mine. They discuss something for a second, and then the coffee guy slowly and with turtle-like vigor, leaves the cafe.

They were out of soy milk. Like every place i ever go.

5 minutes go by.

Joy comes back.

I explain the situation, trying to maintain my cool as 9 more people line up for their drinkage. After another 2 minutes or so, Yurtle returns with the soy milk. Fresh from Egypt.

They finally make our stuff, and soy and I expeditiously leave, now with only 10 mintes to get out the door and 2 blocks away.

I taste the coffee.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

"Ummm...this tastes like cinnamon. I said vanilla syrup, and they gave me cinnamon."

"It's not bad though." Joy said.

"Meh. It tastes cinnamony, but not the kind we like in the Cinnamon Dolce stuff. It's more like I'm drinking Red Hots."

We keep drinking.
The coffee is gross.

"I don't like it." I finally fess up. "It's also very...thin. It's almost a tea consistency."

Joy stops. "That's what it is..."


"It's chai." She said. "They gave us chai."

"So wait..." I had to run through this. "I asked for 2 soy lattes, and I got chai. how the hell did that happen?"

She's almost laughing now. "I have no idea."

"That's it." I said. "I have to blog about this".

Now she is laughing.

"They crossed the line." I said. "They fucked with my coffee. The gloves are off."

We split off again and went to class.

I forced down half the Red hots Water, and chucked the rest.
...and bought some real coffee.


Joy said...

Good times, good times.

Anonymous said...

Chai is delicious. I bet the cafe just makes a really crappy potpourri-water and calls it chai.

Also you spelled your blog name wrong--Homosexual Elitist has an H in it. And some Ts. And, you know.

Dann Rafferty said...

Oh my god!
How could you be SO HEARTLESS to comment on my spelling!


That's SO RUDE!