Barack Obama will be our next president.
It almost sounds unreal to say that, especially with all the constant hatred thrown around these days. I find that I am often surrounded by people either at work or school who are always talking shit about the Democrats, and now Obama especially.
I find it quite sickening that while we are transitioning out of an unpopular presidency, some people still hold onto the oddball thought that the Republican party will ever stand for anything except intolerance, religious prejudice, greed and lies. You really think that after 8 years of constant, repetitiive lies, misdirection, blatant disregard for national laws (good example is going to war in Iraq when U.N. said a big, fat "No"), and disrespect for anyone who does not agree with their self-serving idiology. You know, the part where if I don't agree with the ridiculous Iraq War that I'm obviously unpatriotic and "with the terrorists" as Bush put it.
Then we had the Republican presidential campaign this year, which was full of Sarah Palin calling Obama a terrorist, spreading rumors that he was a Muslim, and basically doing the same thing the Repubs do every election...tell Americans that if you don't vote for them: Your family will lose their home, your kids won't go to college, the democrats will raise your taxes, your husband will become infertile, your pets will go rabid, your crops will turn to Jello, your parents will die in a freakish yacht accident, you'll become a leper, you'll lose your job, the democrats will make the U.S. a Communist state, and your wife will suddenly want to get a career of her own.
Plus...He's black! ZOMG!!!!!!!
Look, enough of this crap. I know I only blog about things when I'm pissed off, and this was supposed to be a nice, happy post. Unfortunately, I find myself happier when I point out Republican hypocrisy, rather than bask in the obvious joys of liberalism.
I find it hard to believe how anyone could not be liberal.
You believe that CEOs don't deserve their billions, and that the money could help Americans better by going to middle and lower class workers?
You believe that everyone deserves a chance to obtain a good career and support their family, without having to be an heir(ess)?
You realize that in order to educate our children and provide healthcare to our people, we have to get that public spending from taxation (it's the truth, people. Constant "tax breaks" are not the wonder they claim to be).
You realize that true patriotism comes not from blind obedience to your government, but from the courage to dissent when needed? The founding fathers did. This country was not formed because the settlers thought the King of England was "a pretty fair dude".
If you believe all of the above, and you believe in a fair and just society..HOW CAN YOU VOTE REPUBLICAN?!
I hear people talk about being liberal like it's a disease.
"I hate him...he is so liberal!".
Which is a description of all the above statements I made. Let's replace this with an equally silly statement, with just as much anger and vigor.
"I hate him...he likes puppies!"
Holy shit! Whatever shall we do?!
To quote my brilliant mother, "How can you be liberal enough?"
I share that sentiment.
I realize that I'm rambling now, so I'll shut up. The point is that the Republican party has done nothing for the past decade (and I can go much farther if I mention the blight on this planet that was the Ronald Reagan presidency) except turn us all against each other and set our moral compass back fifty years.
What horrid things did the Democrats do?
Well...let's see...
...Oh! Clinton lied about getting a blowjob.
Shame, shame.
There was also a SURPLUS in the budget when Clinton left office. We are now trillions in debt. This is how it always works: A Republican comes in and fucks everything up, the people get pissed and vote in a Democrat. They fix everything, so the people think "oh, everything is great! Lets shake things up a bit then!" So instead of keeping everything great, they vote Republican again and he cycle starts all over.
Amen, my brother!
My brother-sister.
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