So...I have a story.
But first, some background information:
My biochemistry teacher is Middle-eastern. I say this not only because I have no idea what country he's from, but more importantly because it's pertinent to my story; he has a very thick Arabic accent. Now, this is not an issue in itself. After two months in his class, I can understand him pretty well.
But there are some issues. For instance, we all learned on the first day of class that he drops some syllables and adds plurals. The most noticeable, and I know this will sound like an exaggeration, he pronounces "Organisms" as "Orgasms".
Blatantly. There is no hearing anything else.
That was humorous for a day or two. But then, when we started getting into compounds and reactions, a new villain emerged. I mean that more than metaphorically.
Now, you know how in all the James Bond movies the villain always calls him "Mr. Bond", and always with that cocky, very deep accent. The one that is never spoken with an American "ah" in "Bond", but a very timpanic, almost "Bohnd" type way. Well...you guessed it, that's how my professor says "bond". So when he says things like "Breaking the bond", or "having a double bond", I instantly picture him in a long, white suit, plotting world destruction.
Today, we have a new development.
In continuation of discussing functional groups of organic compounds (ethers, carboxylic acids, etc.), we came to talking about esters. Specifically, you guessed it, Ester Bonds. Which, in a heavy, foreboding accent...sounds distinctively like "Mister Bond".
In conclusion, for the next 20 minutes, I had to restrain my front row, easily noticed smile whenever he said "Mister Bond". I was like a fourth-grader in Sex-Ed class, chuckling whenever "penis" is uttered.
It was ridiculous, and when you think about it, not even really that funny. But in a world where people joke about crazy "Wouldn't it be funny if..." ideas, this one is filed under "So strange it has to be true."
I pictured him wearing a black bandana and sunglasses, saying "Esteban!" as spanish guitars strum for effect. Maybe with a castanet dance.
Hee! "Este-bond." (bddddding!)
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