So yesterday, Joy and I decided to go to CostCo, just to see if we could look around, and possibly get a membership, if it was worth the 50 bucks a year to save a bit on things like soymilk, toilet paper, pet food, and all that other stuff you frequently buy that cost a first-born each.
We decided we'd look around the entire warehouse first, before we made any decisions.
...we made it about 10 feet into the warehouse before we had pretty much made up our mind.
Their soymilk, which came in 12 quarter-gallon cartons (shelf stable for a year), was equivalent to 3 of the 2 half-gallon packs we buy at Whole Foods.
At 6 bucks a pop, the total for that much at Whole Foods would be $18.
At CostCo...$10.
36-roll packs of toilet paper were $17.
A 12-roll pack at Whole Foods is $12.
Dog food came in 40 lb. bags for $18.
Ours from Whole Foods is a 7 lb. bag for $10.
Now, I'm not dissing Whole Foods. I love that store. It's the only place I will buy food from as far as conventional supermarkets go. But there are the same, if not very similar brands of items that are literally half price for twice as much in most cases.
There was a pack of Veggie Burgers (less sodium than Boca, and twice the size) which had 14 to a pack (Boca has 4) and the pack was $10. A normal 4-pack
Boca Burger box is usually $4.59 or so.
Organic Baby Spinach at Whole Foods is 7.99/lb.
We filled up our cart on that first trip with all the above items and more, totally $159, and that included our $50 year membership.
Think of it this way...on the soymilk alone, we saved $8 per crate, and we bought 2 crates. $16 saved...the membership is almost half paid for in the first trip.
I couldn't have been in a better mood after that. I feel like this is one the things that Joy and I really needed to do to save ourselves a decent amount of money, in preparation for the tough years ahead.
Plus, we don't even have to feel bad about it, because they aren't owned by fascist, low-paying, union-busting, benefit-scalping pigs like Walmart.
...and that's One to Grow On.
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