Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Vat of The Plague Fiend!

Like clockwork, as usual every winter, I am quickly developing yet another case of Bronchitis.

It sucks.

The pain, the agony, the coughing, the sore throat, the little spanish children---wait. Nevermind.

It's funny the way it hits you. It always begins with a sore throat, which then progresses into a cough. Then in just sits for 2 days like that.

Then, one morning, you wake up realizing there's an elephant sitting on your chest. A metaphorical elephant, but damn he's a doozie.

I wonder if it's the Smallfertys who get this the most, due to asthma (sic)?

Nah. I grew out of that. While others grew into it (sic, again).

Whatever the reason my alvaeoli have become a cheese factory is beyond me, but it gives me something to write about that isn't insulting.

And as they used to say on Nickelodeon, "That's One to Grow on."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you know how to use sic properly. Is it because you're (sic)?

And I told you, we're the Rafferwoods. Get hip.