A video for a "Sexual Orientation Reversal Pill" that Jeff and Brian made. Brian seems to always star in these things.
The only other calhoun Tubbs video I know of.
I haven't spoken to Brian in a long time. We caught each other on Google chat today, and hilarity ensued. Oh, Brian. If only we had had time for a Penguin Girl story.
(Please pardon the punctuation. Google-chat is not very Ctrl-V friendly). ---------------------------------------------------
me: you there?
Brian: yeah
me: coo coo
so how do you weigh so much?
Brian: I'm fat
me: I've got a small gut.that's where I store my victims, though
Brian: its all in my ass and gutmostly ass. Legs are big too, upper body is still thin so its misleading
me: fat legs, or muscle?Are you in your "gain weight, lose weight" phase?
Brian: yeah I gain/lose 10lbs all of the time
me: I'm just tryignt o not gain any back over the winter, until I can run more regularly. Running was all I ever did, except for a stint 2 years ago when I had a gym mebership. I was at my lowest of 190 then.winter sucks for exercise,
imo.imo = in my opinion. Gamer talk, sorry.
Sent at 9:24 PM on Tuesday me: uh oh...did you have a heart attack? 'cuz I'm on a cardiac floor if you need assistance.
Tip 1: Don't die.
Tip 2: don't panic.
Brian: I think Im good, thanks
me: Tip 3: If you DO panic, at least you're still alive, efficiently accomplishing Tip one.
oh, there you are.you busy or something?
Brian: never too busy for my smuthers bro
me: awww...How's Nina?
Brian: she is stressed
me: why? She marrying you yet? LOL
Brian: ha
me: just kidding
Brian: that would make her so happybut sadly no
me: I know. So do it.
Brian: Im not a big fan of marriage
me: why?my parents divorced, and my dad's gay...I still like marriage.
Brian: too much legality to worry about
me: only if you think she's gonna cheat on you and steal your gazillions.that's where the "trust" part comes into it.
Brian: I like the common law routeI might stick with that
me: BOO!
Brian: you just want others to suffer but you are alone on this my friendhow's joy? me: alone...me?Joy was stressed yesterday. Had craploads of homework and finals. Done today though. actually, it was more than craploads. I think it qualified as a "shit ton". Brian: yeah, nina always has a shit ton me: is Nina coming with you in December? Brian: no, she'll be in virginia me: good god, why?on purpose?thats like going to Jersey! Brian: her bro is stationed there in the navy so the whole family is meeting down there. I have to work both the day before and after christmas me: The navy? Brian: so Im stuck here me: So he's a Seame----I can't say it Brian: one of many me: haha so what day you coming down? Let me put it this way...when are you available? Brian: wellI might come home the weekend after christmas tooso it depends when I have xmas with my family me: like...the 2 days after? Xmas is a Thursday, so...right after that? Brian: yeah also, my car might be getting worked on the first weekendso I might not have a car me: WHOA! Brian: Jake is flying into chicago from alaska on friday the 20th me: Look at Mr. High-Maintenance! Brian: then we will be driving to Michigan either the 20th at night or early on the 21st me: So...you'll get back to me, yes? Brian: si me: si si. So, how are things aside from that? I haven't talked to you in about 10 fortnights. Brian: things are good...got a raise at work me: sweet Brian: after getting a promotion without pay me: that's balls. So more responsibility without incentive. Brian: yeah, but Im takin that place by storm me: Oh christ, lol....don't use that phrase. Brian: I handle "special projects" me: Ahh...drug deals. Brian: if you mean I need to take them to deal with the job yes, drug deals me: I like to find new friends at the hospital by jokingly telling them I go to the Childrens' Hospital to sell drugs to little kids....some people don't laugh. Which is ironic, since I joked about drugs all the time at my last job with the guy I worked with...and I just found out 3 months ago that he was arrested for dealing. That must've been why he got so mad when I would yell "Random drug tests!" at work. Brian: nice me: ...but I thought it was funny. Brian: he mustve went postal me: hahah....ha...ha old joke Brian: or was this not at the post office? me: no, post office. Brian: so hows your job goin?get any nice raises?how about school? me: Haha...you're funny. No, I don't get raises, just more work. School is fine, but I'm getting nervous about applying to nursing school. but they upped the entrants to 112 from 80 this year.so...score. Brian: why so nervous?not do so well? me: No....just always nervous about new shit.I hate feeling like the new kid. Brian: ahh me: People always steal my lunch money. Then I can't get the "Double Cheezeburger with fries and a fruit cup with a chocolate milk"...or those nasty cheese stick thingies. blech Brian: I like bein the new kid. I get sick of people too easily me: Hey, you remember when we were 12 and we were playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and you threw that plastic sai at me and it stuck straight in the hanging clothes next to my head? Brian: of course me: Good times. Brian: that was like my most crowning achievement growing upI mustve told everyone I knew at the timethey never seemed to match my enthusiasm me: Nah...you were champion of that big raft-thing in your pool. Brian: just had to be there me: ...but only because I couldn't swim. Brian: yeah that helped me: Made you popular. Brian: I didnt need that to be popular with a nickname like bohldogg me: Oh yeah...that's what did it. So...how is "Beyond Bohley" coming along? Brian: Meh. me: I'm gonna write it if you don't. It's your epic. Brian: beyond bohley is before beginning me: meh? Brian: anyway, you and joy should come here, this location is far more desirable me: Oh sure. I love the cold and getting mugged by architects. Brian: better than being cold and mugged by.....anyone, which is what you suffer from. how much is gas over there? me: About 1.79 right now, give or take a first-born. Brian: nice. yeah it's the lowest its been in awhile, 2.04 here I filled up for under 30 bucks, it was amazing me: I've developed a theory...which is quickly being proven. Brian: What's that? me: Take a good look when you buy gas...the lowest price (regular) is always blacked out with no light...but it always works.They expect you to press the first lit buttonI've tried this at many gas stations...all the same. Brian: I know a lot of gas stations have it go right to leftso the first on the left is premiumbut I havent noticed the blacked outness me: I've never seen the reversed order.muy interesante.Sent at 10:08 PM on Tuesday me: Did you die again? Brian: sorry, had to just cycle the laundry me: You never pay attention to my needs, Brian! I have FEELINGS! Brian: what I think is dumb is all the people that pay with cash to save fucking 30 cents me: yup. we don't really have that though. I've seen a few, but not many. Brian: its like....hello....pay that for the convenience...or the people that drive out of the way to save a couple cents me: People are always trying to spend 20 minutes (dollars) to save 5 (cents). There are always people here at work that SIT in the parking lot in their car waiting 15 minutes for someone to leave the ground floor spots, when there are empties 10 feet away.They burn more gas, and waste twice as much time. So stupid, it's almost funny. Brian: almost. you laugh because there's no expression suitable me: It's like mall parking lot stalkers during Christmas. Brian: its just a nervous reaction me: I, for one, don't find a slight walk. Brian: yeah I like to pretend to get into someone else's carand then sprint over to mine real quick me: but some people are destined for those Meijer electric carts. Brian: so someone else gets the spot me: I just get into mine, but then sit there reading a book or something until a line forms and they honk the dude into shame. Brian: oooh nice. I've never read a book, just sat there wasting my time. me: however, a few times the idiot has been dumb enough to get out of his car, go around to my window, and knock on it and ask if I'm leaving soon. I want to roll down the window and say "Here's your sign". Brian: well I need to get goin...this is nina's last night here before she goes to boston for thanksgiving me: better yet! Brian: so I need to go spend some "quality" time with her me: Sit in your car and act like you're cranking one off. He won't come to your window then. Brian: I'd much rather pretend I'm cranking one off in a diner in front of the waitress. me: By the way, this conversation is totally going on my blog. kainrafferty.blogspot.com You'll be (more) famous! Brian: what? so I can waste my time even more by reading this shit? I feel bad for your fans me: nah, just print it out and read it in your car...while waiting for the line to queue up. Brian: well they wont be yours for long, they will be asking for my blog soon enough me: True...what is the link? BeyondBohley.com??? Brian: its been a long time. I haven't written in it for awhile and I was a whiny little bitch while I was dating Jenny. me: Awww. You need a hug.Sent at 10:23 PM on Tuesday And......you died again. Is this goodbye? Farewell? Auf Wiedersehen? Zum Girlfrenden lieven mich? ACHTUNG!Sent at 10:25 PM on Tuesday Brian: adios
Normally I can ignore the beeping taking place behind me at my desk, but as one of the nurse's has accidentally jacked up the volume on the telemetry monitors, each beep is like a tent stake in my skull.
So I figured I would distract myself by relaying a story about this morning...
So after staying awake until 4:00am, then getting three and a half hours of sleep (Joy herself got one and a half), we left for class an hour early to get coffee and get to the Emich library to print Joy's class stuff. We arrive at the library (butt-ass cold), and we split up. I go for the coffee, she goes to the computers.
I go to the "Incredible Shrinking Cafe" and stand with 8 people in a line not much bigger than an elevator. There are TWO employees...one cashier, one making coffee.
I order "Two soy lattes, with one pump of vanilla syrup".
I wait for the three people in front of me to get their drinks, then he gets to mine. They discuss something for a second, and then the coffee guy slowly and with turtle-like vigor, leaves the cafe.
They were out of soy milk. Like every place i ever go.
5 minutes go by.
Joy comes back.
I explain the situation, trying to maintain my cool as 9 more people line up for their drinkage. After another 2 minutes or so, Yurtle returns with the soy milk. Fresh from Egypt.
They finally make our stuff, and soy and I expeditiously leave, now with only 10 mintes to get out the door and 2 blocks away.
I taste the coffee.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
"Ummm...this tastes like cinnamon. I said vanilla syrup, and they gave me cinnamon."
"It's not bad though." Joy said.
"Meh. It tastes cinnamony, but not the kind we like in the Cinnamon Dolce stuff. It's more like I'm drinking Red Hots."
We keep drinking.
The coffee is gross.
"I don't like it." I finally fess up. "It's also very...thin. It's almost a tea consistency."
Joy stops. "That's what it is..."
"It's chai." She said. "They gave us chai."
"So wait..." I had to run through this. "I asked for 2 soy lattes, and I got chai. how the hell did that happen?"
She's almost laughing now. "I have no idea."
"That's it." I said. "I have to blog about this".
Now she
is laughing.
"They crossed the line." I said. "They fucked with my coffee. The gloves are off."
We split off again and went to class.
I forced down half the Red hots Water, and chucked the rest.
...and bought some real coffee.
Since my posts never, EVER get any feedback (especially the last few), I am now testing everyone.
So after posting my last blog (See below. You have to read that one first), I've discovered what I already suspected for a long time. And no Sarah, it's not that.
I love squirrels.
They are the most adorable damn things I've ever seen.
I want a pet squirrel.
I want 6 pet squirrels.
Here are some photos of squirrels that I found, so that I may preach this idea to you, and hopefully you will understand why I think this way.
...Don't mail me a straitjacket.
I know the hospital is trying to replace the old tube stations. I thought you should be made aware of some research I did while I was the Dean at Cambridge.
Milling through the mass amounts of hard data I have on pneumatic tube systems, I discovered that the pros of the system were noted as early as the late 13th century, when Jibber-Jabber the Existentialist conquered the entire east coast of Delaware, he brought such pneumatic technologies to the new colony, hoping to solve the communication problems of The Old World, which had been forever plagued by phones which only rang twice, negating any possible implementations of answering machines.
However, Jibber-Jabber's colonists rebelled during the Great Teacup War of 1299, which factioned off those who thought saucers should be used versus those believing them to be abominations. The effective Saucer Gun developed by Sir Guinness McTeabag began a revolution in pneumatic warfare. Entire cities were laid to waste by this new hardware, and the investment in pneumatics got its second big jolt. Over the next seven centuries, major developments in pneumatics became mainstream in Jibber-Jabber's societies, and were used in everything from toothbrushes to telephones, from footwear to fondue. In 1902, Alexander Van Footenmouthen developed the first widespread machinery for the transmission, or "Fwooshing" as it was called, of tubes from point A to point B, and it became a modern marvel for communications. The Era of Pneumatic Tubes was nigh.
However, only since the late 1990's, with the development of DNA testing, was the true horror of pneumatic tubing made evident. As more and more tests were made public, the world was made aware of the dangers:
1. For some reason, humans exposed to the dangerous pneumatoid radiation were not aging or dying. Jibber-Jabber himself was asked about this aspect at his 843rd birthday party, at which he responded "Oh, Yeah. I never thought of that."
2. Although the aging process ceased, a whopping 125% of those exposed developed acute leprosy. Sir Guinness McTeabag, who himself had issues with his arms constantly falling off, merely stated "My bad." When asked about how percentages were over 100%, McTeabag said "Some people got it twice. Bad luck."
3. The populous exposed to pneumatoid radiation experienced a dramatic loss in appetite, save for Kraft Mac and Cheese. This was a worry for awhile, but over time, the world began to get used to the congealed goodness.
...Kraft refused to comment.
While the evidence is compelling, one should be aware of the process involved in discovering the photons emitted by the Pneumatoid Radiants. Photons have extensive mass, which is odd, because they aren't even catholic.
I have constructed a detailed algorithm to display this process:
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3043/2659530809_579e49f4a1.jpg Wait a sec. That's not it. That's a cute little squirrel.
Anyway, here's that formula:
http://www.ucosoft.com/wp-content/uploads/Image/fml.png This doesn't really explain anything. However, it does show that with enough equations and references to Ancient Acadia (did I mention that the Code of Hammurabi closely resembles that of The Ten Commandments, but was written 600 years earlier? How about Gilgamesh?), one's credibility is increased tenfold.
On a positive note, I believe we COULD find a possible market for running the new tube system on porridge. I don't think anybody eats it anymore.
So, one of my friends on Facebook teaches Sunday school at her church. She knows my position, and she and I joke back and forth constantly. Today, she told me she had Parent-Teacher conferences coming up...so I wrote her a poem.
Before anyone reads this, I must remind all of you that I love kids. I just happen to open my brain sometimes and let the creative juice leak out onto the tarmack.
"Sunday School Showdown"
Teachers, parents, children too. The conferences will now ensue. The children will cry, their parents will lie, When you say their kid eats way too much pie.
They'll tell you it's fine, and say not to whine, while all of this time, their kid is porcine. You cannot ignore through the rest of the course, the one kid in class who's as big as a horse.
You talk to the mom of the bully in black, who takes from the others or else they get smacked. You tell her the kid needs to straighten his act, Or next time he leaves his spine will be cracked.
They call the police for the things that you say, for threatening kids, they will take you away.
You pull out your magnum and blow them away, the cops won't be cuffing you...not on this day. You whip out the other, and now you go dual, 'cuz they fucked with you, and now you get cruel.
You shoot out the windows and break all the glass, so never again can they use this class. You blast all the coppers who come through the door, "You ain't gonna fuck around with me anymore!"
You steal all the bibles, and that's just as well... you can donate them all to the nearest hotel. You go to the tithe box and break off the lock, It goes in your bag with the rest of the stock.
You eat all the snacks that you saved for the class, and you don't really care if you get a big ass. You'll be miles away when the SWAT team comes in, You'll be running so fast that you'll stay nice and thin.
You run to Bermuda, a boat to Pengini, and dish out some cash for a new Lamborghini.
You drive to the post office and make a dictation, "I hereby offer my firm resignation". You stick on a stamp, and send it away, They already knew this, but it felt good to say.
Never again must you lie to the faces, of bullies and brats to be put in their places. You don't have to say that they do a good job, of raising their kid who is really a snob. In time they will see the fact that is errant. There are no bad children, just rotten parents.
SNOW Snow. The abstract thought that is water, frozen in pain.
But fret not, lest winter's grasp thwart thy ambitions!
Tread lightly, tread calmly, and disturbeth not the stalactites... Looketh out! Die spikens spielen und fallen der headed splitten!
Nay. Mine eyes see naught but water which condenses not.
Barometrics freeze thy blood cold. Such is ice, unhindered. The time for sleddage...is nigh.
Barack Obama will be our next president.
It almost sounds unreal to say that, especially with all the constant hatred thrown around these days. I find that I am often surrounded by people either at work or school who are always talking shit about the Democrats, and now Obama especially.
I find it quite sickening that while we are transitioning
out of an unpopular presidency, some people still hold onto the oddball thought that the Republican party will ever stand for anything except intolerance, religious prejudice, greed and lies. You
really think that after 8 years of constant, repetitiive lies, misdirection, blatant disregard for national laws (good example is going to war in Iraq when U.N. said a big, fat "No"), and disrespect for anyone who does not agree with their self-serving idiology. You know, the part where if I don't agree with the ridiculous Iraq War that I'm obviously
unpatriotic and "with the terrorists" as Bush put it.
Then we had the Republican presidential campaign this year, which was full of Sarah Palin calling Obama a terrorist, spreading rumors that he was a Muslim, and basically doing the same thing the Repubs do every election...tell Americans that if you don't vote for them: Your family will lose their home, your kids won't go to college, the democrats will raise your taxes, your husband will become infertile, your pets will go rabid, your crops will turn to Jello, your parents will die in a freakish yacht accident, you'll become a leper, you'll lose your job, the democrats will make the U.S. a Communist state, and your wife will suddenly want to get a career of her own.
Plus...He's black! ZOMG!!!!!!!
Look, enough of this crap. I know I only blog about things when I'm pissed off, and this was
supposed to be a nice, happy post. Unfortunately, I find myself happier when I point out Republican hypocrisy, rather than bask in the obvious joys of liberalism.
I find it hard to believe how anyone could
not be liberal.
You believe that CEOs don't deserve their billions, and that the money could help Americans better by going to middle and lower class workers?
You believe that everyone deserves a chance to obtain a good career and support their family, without having to be an heir(ess)?
You realize that in order to educate our children and provide healthcare to our people, we have to get that public spending from taxation (it's the truth, people. Constant "tax breaks" are not the wonder they claim to be).
You realize that true patriotism comes not from blind obedience to your government, but from the courage to dissent when needed? The founding fathers did. This country was not formed because the settlers thought the King of England was "a pretty fair dude".
If you believe all of the above, and you believe in a fair and just society..HOW CAN YOU VOTE REPUBLICAN?!
I hear people talk about being liberal like it's a disease.
"I hate him...he is so
liberal! ".
Which is a description of all the above statements I made. Let's replace this with an equally silly statement, with just as much anger and vigor.
"I hate him...he
likes puppies! "
Holy shit! Whatever shall we do?!
To quote my brilliant mother, "How can you be liberal
enough? "
I share that sentiment.
I realize that I'm rambling now, so I'll shut up. The point is that the Republican party has done nothing for the past decade (and I can go
much farther if I mention the blight on this planet that was the Ronald Reagan presidency) except turn us all against each other and set our moral compass back fifty years.
What horrid things did the Democrats do?
Well...let's see...
...Oh! Clinton lied about getting a blowjob.
Shame, shame.