Thursday, March 22, 2007


After hearing the endless rants and rampages that Joy has gone on, listening to endless quotes from numerous books and magazines, and reading one-line statistics in random books, nothing has phased me. I'm still a meat-eater. Nothing has gotten through my impervious shield of denial, which so many humans have nowadays. I just said "Wow", and moved on.

Fortunately, I was just hit with the reality stick.

I just watched "Fast Food Nation".
It's not a documentary. So there's no way conservatives can say "Well there's a lot of liberal bias in that." It's a ficticious story about how the fast food mega-corporations, as well as the people of this country, operate on auto-pilot. Deny this, ignore that. Show a flashy sign, make an extra dollar.
The entire movie shows very well how the world, and more particularly Americans, operate on "quick-eating, no time to cook, maybe I'll have some frozen Sausage and mac & Cheese" lifestyles. It was shown believably...which is the most important aspect. You watch this movie thinking "I've seen this happen before" many times.

It was really an eye-opener. But the most compelling was the last five minutes, throughout which, I don't believe I even remembered to breathe. It's the worst thing I have ever seen.

And, as a first for me, I felt something from the film I never really have before, especially in a movie.


I hated myself and all other people who continue to blindly pay and give money to companies who find it not only legal, but morally sound to give an electric shock to these animals, cut off their heads (while awake), slaughter them, peel off their skin, and let their viscera slide down a chute into a large vat.

I realized how those thousands of loyal german citizens felt after WWII, when they were led into Auschwitz, and saw what was hidden from them the whole time.

I cried.

I cried so hard I couldn't help myself.

I felt strange, since I've never cried at a movie (save for "Untamed Heart" when I was eight)
and I wondered why.

For the first time, I realized that I actually cared about it. I was allowing them to kill another living thing, like ME, and serve it to me. How selfish.

I'm never eating meat again. Chicken, steak, hamburger, pork, turkey. ANYTHING.
I've made this decision on my own...and I swear on my life, I'm never gonna break it. EVER.

Thanks for listening to me ramble.
It was much appreciated.

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