Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I'm incredibly angry right now. I'm so mad I could throw something. AT someone. I was bored at work so I went on MySpace, looking at people's sites, and came across something interesting. One of my...acquaintances...had a list on their page of all the conservative groups they belonged to, one of which said "Stop P.E.T.A."

The switch was flipped.
Instant Rage.

I'm sorry, but is there something wrong with a group that believes it's wrong to pack crates of chickens for your lovely McNuggets so full they can't breathe?

Is there something wrong with a group who believes that if you are going to eat meat, it shouldn't be bludgeoned over the head with a tire iron?

Is there something wrong with a group who knows it is moral to treat other living, breathing, pain-feeling animals the same way we would treat ourselves?

Now, let me ask you something.

It there something wrong with the fact that you are AGAINST this group?

What have you got against animals? What did they ever do to you?

Some people find this funny.

Put it in perspective.

I know what I'm gonna hear now: "PETA is too brash and harsh. They are radical."

Oh. You're right. I'm so sorry. I forgot that standing on street corners, handing out pamphlets saying "Please treat animals with respect" really gets a lot done!

I would think people in the military would know that as well as anyone else. When diplomatic measures fail, you have to resort to more drastic methods. This is true with PETA as well. If someone doesn't do something, NOTHING will get done.

Before now, I was always a defender of PETA, but I never went the extra mile. I know, Me the hypocrite.


Thank you for making me see the light.


Jason said...

Before you get upset that I am posting a reply to your post, just realize that it is just some information about the organization that you have choose to become a member of and send money to. Please don't just skim over the article read the whole thing, it takes a little time but is well worth it. http://www.undueinfluence.com/peta.html
By the way the Military has never attacked a country for trying to find cures for diseases or trying to better humanity. And also I like the title the acquaintance.

Gibulet said...

I'm not sure where the military comment Jason made was in regards to, but maybe I missed something somewhere.

Dann, you are a bit wrong here in one respect. When I was a member of PETA, you called them "crazy radical fanatics" and it was dumb for me to fund them. Oh yes, you did. I'm glad you have changed your mind, I love PETA. I just don't want you to be seen as a hypocrit since I applaud your efforts to help animals.

Jason said...

The military comment is in regards to this comment "I would think people in the military would know that as well as anyone else. When diplomatic measures fail, you have to resort to more drastic methods."
I'm all for protecting animals to some extent but as for treating them as not a food source but as our equals. No way there is a reason they are here and it is food to feed the masses.

Christov said...

In my opinion there is truth in both arguments. Nature is about food chains, and we are towards the top. But just as i would not like to be put in a cage with 20 other people when the cage is big enough for 5 to move, I dont think we should to others. The golden rule should still apply here, do unto others and all that. Therefore there is no reson not to treat the animals with the respect they deserve as living things, but there are lower on the food chain. My point is simply we dont need to stop eating animals, we should just treat them with a little more respect than we do.

Gibulet said...

ah ok, I see where the comment was from then. I was right, it was something I had missed. I think Chris puts it very well. I do eat meat and don't plan on stopping, but I see no reason why animals can not be given the respect you would give any other living creature*. If I was at the bottom of the food chain, I'd appreciate it.

*except centipedes and mosquitos. I hate them. :)