Thursday, May 29, 2008

My wife, The Hilarious Thingy.

So a few weeks ago, Joy and I were in the kitchen, finishing off a jumbo-sized box of shredded wheat, when I suddenly had what I considered to be a brilliant idea.

In pure Dann Fashion, I put the box over my head, adorned and looking quite smart.

Normally of course, Joy takes times like these to remind me what a strange, oddball individual I am. However, today she said something rather unusual.

"My turn. Give it to me."

She sounded positively giddy at this point. She then recreated what I like to call:

"Kellogg's Last Samurai"

This wasn't enough. Laughing hysterically, she claimed that an action shot was called for. So, grabbing my plastic toy gun from the corner (don't judge, it's years old), she struck another pose.

...and they call ME the weirdo.

Of course, these random, hilarious moments of ours are what make us so perfect for each other.


Kathy W said...

I love this entry! You guys are crazy (in a good way). ;-)

Gibulet said...

You guys are so perfect for each other it makes me want to vomit.