Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Wonders of a Scottish Makeover

One thing that I'm sure we've all noticed lately is the astonishing new hilarity that is made-up names. Especially those with a scottish tone. More specifically, making fun of people and adding "Mc" to their last name. This, as I have found in recent days, has made me laugh so much I nearly pee myself.

I found a few good examples. The easiest way to deploy this tactic is to take physical and/or social traits of said individual and expand on it. For instance:

"Hotty McShaggalot"

"Stupid McFirepants"

"Stinky McGreaseball"

"Spanish McAmerican-Blackwhitey"

(Been married a few times)

"Trailer McWhorebag"

Special Mention, from Sarah...

"Pancakes McSourcream"
"Grisham McBacos"

See? It's simple. Hours of entertainment for the whole family.


Anonymous said...

It's not right to make fun of people's physical traits, even if your roommates drool over pudgy grey-hairs whose acting isn't really all that much to speak of and who really, if we're looking at the same guy, isn't all that attractive.

That said, it was Pancakes McSourCream.

Gibulet said...

Christ on a cracker I laughed out WORK. I love the J Lo one.