Thursday, December 27, 2007

In Which I am Given the Black Spot.

From some crazy, oddballish reason, blogger/blogspot/ has decided for the last 4 months to make it impossible for me to log on to my account. After 3 tries on the login page, it tells me my username and or email address do not exist in their system. However, when I click their "forgot your password?" link, it sends me an email telling me how to reset my password (which was correct). I follow the links to their internal page, and I arrive at my blog.

Now call me a wet blanket, but that seems a bit like a Michigan left.

"Sure, I'll go to the store, just let me swing by Egypt first."

Pointless, stupid, idiotic, and a waste of time.
Kinda like writing this blog to people who probably don't give a hoot.

Now I have to say something with merit. Hmm.

There's a few people on my unit (no jokes) who use horrendous grammar. I won't name any names, but I will say this:

"Supposably" is NOT a word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neither is 'grammer.' G-r-a-m-m-a-r. Aaand there's my degree.