I haven't written anything is awhile. I'm sitting here at work, bored stiff. So I thought...what the hell. Might as well write something.
For the first time in my life, I think the only thing I can say is that life is happening. I'm going to work, paying bills, trying to get past the whole divorce thing (with amiable success, I feel, as horrifying as the first 6 months were), and spending a lot of time reflecting on what direction said life is going in. I have no clue. But it feels...okay, actually.
As much I hate cliches, I must say that many doors are now closed to me, but others have opened. I'm spending a lot of time with a person who has become very special to me in recent weeks. Although the path ahead is uncertain, I do know that right now I enjoy walking that path with her, and I hope we continue to. I'm not mentioning her name because she "kinda sorta" wouldn't want me to ;)
She's an assassin.
Anyway, in terms of myself, I have begun working on a new strategy (many, actually) to pay off my credit card bill as much as possible before nursing school.
Aha. Nursing School.
This is another point I have come to. I am not giving up nursing school. Far from it. However, I have realized that I probably shouldn't be focusing on only one school. There are hospitals everywhere. I could easily move somewhere else (I was looking at Pittsburgh awhile back. They have a nice, new pediatric hospital) and find a job there, paying off bills and going to school there. The great thing about a medical career is that there is no shortage of jobs. People are always going to need hospitals. Of course, the only real kink in that is I can't afford an apartment right now. But if that is the only thing in the way...it's worth a thought.
I will have to make another sit rep (nod to Sarah) when I find out more info.
I will leave you with a limerick:
When finding the love you embrace,
No matter a person or place,
Life is too quick,
To not take a risk,
...and never stop saying "Your Face!"
I am glad to hear that you are doing well. Love you!
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